WEBER, Anna Katharina

GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Germany, Consultant for agriculture and rural development, focused on projects and studies on the Asian continent, areas of expertise are LED, Value Chain Promotion, SME development, participatory approaches to planning, research and learning, extension services, training and facilitation, Results-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation.

Anna is currently a consultant for agriculture and rural development at GFA Consulting Group GmbH in Hamburg. There she is focusing on projects and studies on the Asian continent.

Her areas of expertise are LED, Value Chain Promotion, SME development, participatory approaches to planning, research and learning, extension services, training and facilitation, Results-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation.

Anna is holding a BA in Social Sciences (Political Sciences and Sociology) and a MSc in Agricultural Economics – both obtained at Humboldt University Berlin. She is an alumni of the SLE – Postgraduate Studies on Development Cooperation.

After working at the Humboldt University with Prof. Jahnke and Dr Marco Hartmann at the Department of Development Planning and Project Management, she was a freelance consultant for different donors and consultants. From 2012 to 2014 she was the regional coordinator for Northern Ghana within the “Market-oriented Agriculture Programme” (MOAP) of GIZ. There, she was promoting the value chains of mango, chili (pepper) and guinea fowl, applying and adapting the ValueLinks apparoach.

Anna is a good project manager, conceptualizer and communicator. Developing and implementing Local Economic Development is her passion – as long as it is led and owned by the people. She is convinced that any challenge in development has to be looked at and tackled in a holistic way. Political, economic, social and natural dimensions are to be integrated always.

Anna has worked and lived in Indonesia, Nicaragua, Liberia, Namibia, Ghana and Germany.

Contact WEBER, Anna Katharina